Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Former Blog Site

i was just rummaging through my FS (Friendster) applications when it hit me, what happened to it? was it deleted or anything like that? so i have to see for myself.

it was still there all right, nothings changed, no activities, not even comments but to hell, it was still there. I'm still surprised as i read through my entries, can't even imagine i wrote all of it, (actually not all, some of them are excerpts and contributions from people i know, some are from my friends) i even did an online journal, so much sentiments and emotions well enough of that.

published some of my written works, from poems, essays, short stories and some random things that come to my mind, either from personal experiences or from work (majority from it are due to stress related issues).

it was sentimental, it was my first, everything i put in it was me, the real me. the different side of me. The Unknown Shade.

and for those of you who want to experience my humble beginnings as a blogger fell free to visit: and for those who have, thanks. will keep on posting.

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