Friday, July 31, 2009

My Plates

in continuation with my art labels here are some of my plates back when i was in college, some of you might be probably wondering, yes i did took up architecture but it was too much for me so i made a 180 degree turn and continued being a commerce student, i know drawing is in my blood but too much stress and the late nights is not for me, so for now I'm sketching, freelance.

Friday, July 10, 2009

My Final Fantasy

One of my fondest memories growing up is playing video games, Back when i was little i used to play on my Nintendo's Family Computer (i bet some of you remember that particular early console) and some of the many cartridges (yes, we call them cartridges) i used to play are Contra, Ice Climber and of course who could ever forget Super Mario, and as years go by my gaming instinct still searches for more, until when i was in college have i discovered a game that became a big part of my life.

The second installment of the Final Fantasy Franchise (the first was Final Fantasy 7) Final Fantasy 8 was released 1999 directed by Yoshinori Kitase developed by Square Co., Ltd. it was a dream come true to play this wonderful game. I quickly became attached to the the many characters of the game particularly the main character himself, Squall Leonheart. The game revolves around issues such as war, friendship, family and Love which is why the game became a complete success.

I can never get enough of this fantastic game so thats why I'm giving it a special tribute here, thanks to TheBigLT of Youtube i managed to find this video consisting of the first 11 cutscenes of the game:

  1. Opening (Liveru Fatali)
  2. Quistis
  3. Balamb Garden
  4. Zell Dincht
  5. Dollet Assault
  6. Selphie Tilmitt
  7. The Communication Tower
  8. Robot Chase (part 1)
  9. Robot Chase (part 2)
  10. Rinoa Heartilly
  11. Rinoa and Squall at the Dance

This is just Part 1 of the 7 compiled cutscenes from Final Fantasy 8 game, and now i leave you with the most famous quotes from the beginning of the game:

"I'll be here..."
"I'll be 'waiting'... here..."
"For what?"
"I'll be waiting... for if you come here... you'll find me."
"I promise."